XFP Transceiver Basics Training

First, the product awareness: The company has the following categories of products

(I) XFP transceiver
1. Bandwidth: 10 / 100M 10/100 / 1000M
2. Fiber type: single mode and multi-mode
3. Fiber port: single fiber and double fiber
4. Wavelength: 850, 1310, 1550 nm (conventional)
5. Distance: 2,5,20,40,60,80,100,120km
6. Interface: SC, ST, FC, LC
7. Structure: external, built-in, card built-in

Category: XFP Transceiver Rack: 2U14 slot, 2U16 slot, card type XFP transceiver, built-in XFP transceiver, external XFP transceiver
Function: is a short distance from the electrical signal and long distance optical signal interchangeable Ethernet transmission media conversion unit.
Note: The name of the XFP transceiver has the following names: photoelectric converter, media converter, media converter

Adaptive is the process of processing and analysis, according to the data characteristics of the data processing automatically adjust the processing method, processing order, processing parameters, boundary conditions or constraints to make it with the statistical data distribution characteristics, structural characteristics to adapt to To achieve the best results.

Note: 1310 nm for the A-side; 1550 nm for the B-side; more than 60km plus DFB laser (dual fiber is transmitted through two optical fibers, transceiver in the two fibers)

Multimode fiber
Multi-mode fiber (Multi Mode Fiber): the central glass core thick (50 or 62.5μm), can pass a variety of modes of light. But its mode dispersion is large, which limits the frequency of transmission of digital signals, and with the increase in the distance will be more serious. For example: 600MB / KM fiber at 2KM when only 300MB of bandwidth. Therefore, the distance from the multi-mode fiber transmission is relatively close, generally only a few kilometers.

Single mode fiber
Single Mode Fiber: The center glass core is very fine (core diameter is generally 9 or 10μm), can only pass a mode of light. Therefore, the dispersion between the mold is very small, suitable for remote communication, but there are still material dispersion and waveguide dispersion, so that single-mode fiber on the spectral width and stability of the light source has a higher demand, that spectrum width is narrow, stability So good. Later found at 1.31μm wavelength, single-mode fiber material dispersion and waveguide dispersion is positive, one is negative, the size is just equal. This means that the total dispersion of the single-mode fiber is zero at a wavelength of 1.31 μm. From the loss of fiber characteristics, 1.31μm is just a low-loss fiber fiber window. In this way, the 1.31μm wavelength region becomes a very good working window for optical fiber communication and is the main working band of the practical optical fiber communication system. 1.31μm The main parameters of conventional single-mode fiber are determined by ITU-T in the G652 proposal, so this fiber is also known as G652 fiber.

Single-mode fiber and multimode fiber can be easily determined from the size of the core. Single-mode fiber core is very small, about 4 ~ 10um, only the main mode of transmission. This will completely avoid the modal dispersion, making the transmission band is very wide, very large transmission capacity. This fiber is suitable for large capacity, long distance optical fiber communication. It is the future of optical fiber communication and the development of light wave technology inevitable trend.
Multi-mode fiber is divided into multi-mode mutant fiber and multi-mode gradient fiber. The former core diameter is larger, transmission mode
So that the bandwidth is narrow and the transmission capacity is small. The refractive index of the latter decreases with the increase of the radius, which can obtain relatively small modal dispersion, so the bandwidth is wide and the transmission capacity is large. Have applied the latter. )

Optical module interface: points SC, FC, ST, LC

The link loss is calculated according to the new single-mode cable parameters, the wavelength of 1310 nm is 0.4db / km, the wavelength of 1550nm is 0.25db / km
Fiber Loss Loss = Fiber Loss + Light Passive Device Loss Light Passive Device Loss = WDM Multiplex Device Insertion Loss + Fiber Optic Connector Insertion Loss + Fiber Optic Adapter Insertion Loss 3db Link Loss Design Surplus
Light passive device insertion loss: fiber optic connector 0.3db / only; fiber adapter 0.15db / only; 50% fiber coupler 3db / only; 1310 / 1550nm wavelength division multiplexer 0.3db / only; 2CWDM wave Wavelet 1.8db / only; 4CWDM wave, the demultiplexer 2db / only; 6CWDM wave, the demultiplexer 2.4db / only; 8CWDM wave, the demultiplexer 3db / only. (Maximum 1310nm): Lmax = maximum distance km × 0.4db / km + optical passive device insertion loss to parity company VAD6401 four-way video all the way reverse data Optical Example: Emission optical power PT = -10dB, receiving sensitivity PR = -28dB. Margin L = -10- (28) -4 * 0.2-2 * 0.2 = 16.8dB (L1, L2 are calculated according to the maximum 0.2dB)
Transmission distance (Lmax) = 16.8 dB / 0.4 dB / Km = 42KM (single-mode fiber attenuation coefficient of 0.4dB / Km)

Network camera bandwidth calculation:

Volume before compression (volume) = resolution × frame rate
1.3 million pixels after compression, the compression rate after the system overhead, generally more than 30 times, so:
1300000 * 25 (frame) / 1024/30 (compression ratio) = 1057Kbps

XFP module,XFP transceiver,bidi sfp,SFP+ module,SFP+ transceiver Which is good? First choice Fiberland!Thanks for your concern, to learn more about Fiberland, please enter Fiberland website: http://www.fiberlandtec.com/


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